Sunday, January 29, 2012

Arrival in Spain

I stared out the window of the plane as we made our decent into Madrid.  The city was cloaked in black and the lights of the city were dancing.  A warm glow emitted from behind hills of Madrid and it grew into my first Spanish sunrise.  I cannot think of a better time to have arrived.  The sight was spectacular.  

Our hotel room was small as I expected, but was located on the edge of the Plaza del Sol (the main plaza of Madrid).  We had a balcony that overlooked the plaza and it was perfect for people watching during the day and night.  The metro rumbled underneath our hotel as people disappeared into the metro not 30 yards away from Hotel Moderno.

My hotel balcony

 My first meal... Very interesting! I couldn't read all the words on the menu and so I just ordered a mystery meal.  My plate consisted of eggs with ketchup on them with thinly sliced ham all floating in a dish of oil.  I have discovered the Spaniards LOVE their olive oil.
This dish is called Paella.  My food looked me in the eyes! 

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