Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fantastic places to visit!

We grabbed lunch after the museum El Prado (Julia and I)

 Bread is served with every meal.  Breakfast only consists of bread and if you want water you must order it.  

After the museum and lunch Amelia, Julia, and I hit the major park of Madrid.

Me, Julia, Amelia

The park boasts a lovely pond in the middle where you can rent boats to cruise around in.

 La Plaza del sol.  Protesters crowd around to make their meanings clear.  Very fun to watch.  Justicia de Verdad!  Truth of Justice! Don't worry family I wont join any movements :) I will just observe them.

We had an evening walking tour of Madrid.  This is one of the most famous markets in Madrid (forgot the name... sorry)  It was absolutely beautiful.  Inside you can wine taste, eat tapas, buy fruit, meat or whatever! Very cool.

Lovely meat on display in the market.  Everyone eats ham with every meal.  They even display it.  This is because back in the day people wanted to prove they were catholic so they did this by butchering pigs in the street so people could see, then they would invite their neighbors over for ham.  Apparently this has become a tradition because it is hard to find food without ham in it.  I would hate to be a vegetarian over here!   They even have ham on salads.  

This little cave was recommended to us as one of the best places to find Sangria in Madrid.

The beautiful monastery in El Escorial.  This monastery holds the tombs of many Kings and Queens of spain and their children. 

El Escorial was an adorable little town to see.  There were plenty of cafes and places to rest and visit. About an hour drive from Madrid. 

They have the best doors over here. When I get home I think I am going to make a door calendar!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Arrival in Spain

I stared out the window of the plane as we made our decent into Madrid.  The city was cloaked in black and the lights of the city were dancing.  A warm glow emitted from behind hills of Madrid and it grew into my first Spanish sunrise.  I cannot think of a better time to have arrived.  The sight was spectacular.  

Our hotel room was small as I expected, but was located on the edge of the Plaza del Sol (the main plaza of Madrid).  We had a balcony that overlooked the plaza and it was perfect for people watching during the day and night.  The metro rumbled underneath our hotel as people disappeared into the metro not 30 yards away from Hotel Moderno.

My hotel balcony

 My first meal... Very interesting! I couldn't read all the words on the menu and so I just ordered a mystery meal.  My plate consisted of eggs with ketchup on them with thinly sliced ham all floating in a dish of oil.  I have discovered the Spaniards LOVE their olive oil.
This dish is called Paella.  My food looked me in the eyes! 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spain bound... 3 flights & 18 hours

I sit on my bedroom floor stuffing clothes into my pack as I check off items on my list. Journal..check, camera..check, jeans..check, shoes..check check check.  Between my dog chino stealing the few pairs of socks i've managed to scrounge up and my 5 month old niece, Kyla who is chewing on my watch I am beginning to feel my time slowly ticking as my procrastinating finally hits me.  Only 8 hours until departure but I am thoroughly excited and hastily grab more clothes in a protective grasp as my sister (who has also studied abroad) takes them away from me discarding into my "not going" pile ignoring my sad protests (conveniently for her-we are the same size... I'm suspicious if after all she is truly "advising me" or just increasing her own wardrobe, most likely a little of both).  My Mom and Dad have thoughtfully purchased many "luxury" items that in my haste would have otherwise been forgotten: vitamins, razors, deodorant, sleeping pills, emergency pharmacy, make-up. Thank you Mom and Dad I love you and will miss you. I am looking forward to your visit in a few months!  

Packing list 

My organization :)

Yes, finally I think I may be ready to head to the airport and begin my journey to Granada, Spain where I will be studying for the next 5 months.  My scheduled itinerary for API (Academic Programs International) states that we will be spending three days touring Madrid and Telado as we head down in buses to our final destination of Granada.  A city that is nestled in the mountains of southern Spain.