Our program brought us to Cadiz and on our long bus trip we stopped in "El Torcal" This is a fantastic place to go hiking and enjoy the very cool rock formations. It had just rained so it was a bit muddy but other than that it was a lot of fun!
This little guy followed us the whole way. Is this normal? I don't think so. Someone has been feeding the fox.
Some cows just hanging out
Julia and I comparing our bocadillos that our different residencias packed for us.
Julia's bocadillo won. Mine had olive oil and a slice of cheese with a slice of ham. Hers actually had vegetables. I can't wait to eat a real sandwich again with vegetables.
No one could wear their shoes on the bus because they were too muddy
Lovely sights on the way to Cadiz
So we had a mix up... Went to a restaurant and one of the girls told the other two to get the cod, it will be good. And out walks two heaping plates of anchovies, heads and all! hahah
Our walking tour was a tad wet.
No worries we will just walk around looking at our feet to avoid walking into lakes.
Memorial to the first Spanish Constitution. 200 years ago!
All was well...
...and then it got windy
We were only slightly soaked...Seaking refuge in the cathederal
I literally could wring my jacked out
Bathroom has turned into a drying room
And then the sun came out, and dried up all the rain
So many bikes!
Some of our group enjoying our boat tour